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Molino Filippini ad Anuga 2021 - Taste the future

Anuga 2021 - Taste the future We’re pleased to invite you at Anuga food exibithion 2021, the leading global trade fair for the food and beverage industry. Anuga will take place in...

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Gluten-Free, but with much more!

Many do not know that are the naturally gluten-free products that guarantee variety, color, and all the nutritional properties that we need. Choosing to vary our diet by putting gluten-free...

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Traceability "From Farm To Fork", for your safety!

From "Farm To Fork" (from fields to your table) is our motto to tell you that we protect every single aspect necessary to bring a product that we are proud of on your tables. We do it with...

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We present the legumes!

Legumes are a source of different nutrients such as proteins, carbohydrates, fibers, minerals, and vitamins with huge qualities. For this reason, legumes are foods with great flexibility,...

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Tasty allies for the sportspersons

When the snow falls, the tools are prepared: wax, skis, gloves, helmet, etc. Everything is ready for winter sports! But are we? And our body?  A fundamental aspect is a nutrition and for a...

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From the Heart of the Alps Our Superfood

It is the ingredient that gives that typical dark color to typical Valtellina dishes such as Pizzoccheri, Polenta Taragna, or Sciatt. But it is also a real superfood rich in nutritional...

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